Wilderness Medicine: Snake Bite Treatment
I’d like to talk to you a little bitabout treatment, and immediately aftersomebody’s bitten I guess the firstthing you’d advise is for them to panicand maybe scream that’s what I’dprobably do but of course the way weteach and the best thing to do is to notpanic easy to say in a lecture easy toread in a book but people are going tobe freaking out once you gather yourselflay low don’t panic and those around youlet them do the work of going for helpthe best thing you can do is remain calmtake a deep breath as we discussedbefore it may be a dry bite and you’renot even envenomated or poisoned that’sthe best advice I could get so whatabout all the stuff that we read aboutin first-aid books cutting sucking etcwell those are all dramatic again I lovethem in movies I’ve done it myselfself-inflicted snake bites but the bestthing to do first let’s talk aboutcutting and sucking again dramaticyou’ve seen it where they take out theirbuck knife they’ll cut through the fangmark and then just start sucking thegojira’s out of the person’s arm or legor name a body partdon’t do it the human mouth hasbacterial flora nastiness that’s evenworse than the snake’s mouth so you’regoing to infect the wound by sucking onit and worse yet your knife although youmean well is going to cut throughvaluable structures like tendons nervesarteries veins you need those so peoplewho cut then suck are actually doingmore harm than gooddon’t do it people have probably heardthat cold might be helpful how do youfeel about cold we used to feel thatcold usually it’s also calledcryotherapy applying cold or ice to thewound would help and in some bites likebee stings some spider bites a littleice isn’t such a bad thingsnake bites we discourage it and we’veeven seen people trying to immerse anentire arm in an ice bath don’t do itit’s actually going to cause more damagethanbest thing to do is just to elevate thearm above the level of the heart pushsome moral fluids because that’sprobably all you’re going to have in thewilderness you’re not going to have IVfluids remain calmsend someone else to get help the bestthing you can have are car keys and acell phone and if so the treatment isantivenom it is and it’s getting to afacility that has it there have beensome folks saying why don’t we haveanti-venom in the wilderness withparamedics ready to goanti-venom also has risks when youadminister it it’s taken from horsesit’s taken from sheep so when you givethat to humans you may have an allergicreaction so it’s best to give theanti-venom in the hospital setting so inthe wilderness the best thing you can dostart up a car make a cell phone call9-1-1 to a hospital facility so what’sthe deal with cro fab and why is itbetter than the old stuffI love Crowe fab I think they’ve done agood job they have taken the anti-venomand refined it to a much more pure typeof anti-venom so there’s not as much ofa chance of an allergic reaction as withthe old anti-venom it is more costlylike supercouple 20 or $30 per does ahtimes that by 10 exactly so it’s aboutthree four hundred a vial it’s expensiveso you don’t want to give it outwilly-nilly I know that’s not much of amedical term but don’t give it outwilly-nilly but you don’t want to giveit out just for every snakebite you wantto make sure there’s actual evidence ofenvenomations swelling of the armblistering systemic or total bodyeffects blood toxicity lab abnormalitiesthat reflect a systemic or total bodyand venom ation or poisoning that’s whenyou give the anti-venom less chance ofallergic reaction with the new Crowe fabit is more expensive and we’re findingit’s safer in kids and what’sinteresting about children is the snakeis confused by the size of the humanit’s a toddler or an adult like yourselfthe snake is going to inject the sameamount of venom so kids need the sameamount of anti-venom as adults you’reyou’re essentially treating the venomnot the patient in that way exactly wealways say treat the patient not thepoison treat the patient not the numbershere you’re treating the poison thesnake is going to inject the same amountof venom into little Johnny as it doesin to Grandpa Rex so because of thatyou’re going to treat the patientwhether a toddler or a full-sized adultwith the same amount of anti-venom whenyou’re in the emergency department and apatient’s been bitten you’re not sureyet if they’ve been envenomated do youwait an hour do you wait two days atwhat point can you decide that thepatient’s probably good to go home mostbites you can see something within about6 hours 4 to 6 hours you’re going tostart seeing swelling in the arm the legdepending on where they were bitten theglands you look for swelling most pitvipers rattlesnakes cottonmouths watermoccasins you’re going to see thatpretty rapidly particularly if there’smaybe a vein or an artery involved inthe envenomations so if you watch themsix maybe even stretch it to 12 and yousee no swelling lab just look good norabnormalities you can safely send themhome and reassure the patient theexceptions are mojave rattlesnakes theymay only have a little blood toxicitythey have a neuro or brain centralnervous system toxicity there may be adelay I would observe them for 24’s samewith coral snakes we don’t get that manycertainly in the East in Florida intoTexas here where we are Arizona NewMexico this type of coral snake isreally docile its shy you have to pickit up let it chew on your finger forabout an hour then you may getenvenomatedif you have those envenomations youprobably want to watch them for 24 hoursotherwise you can watch these patientsin the ERif you’re going to see it it’ll manifestitself pretty quickly in some books theytalk about lymphatic or venousconstrictors what’s your feeling aboutany kind of constriction okay the otherword for constriction is usingtourniquets or taking a bandana and wraptight knot around the arm or leg that’sbeen bitten there’s really no role forthat particularly in the US with pitvipers mostly because we have hospitalsers clinics that are pretty closegood paramedic system so I would adviseagainst it now if you’re away in thewilderness and you’re a day or two outyou may want to do the 127 hour risk thelimb to save the life but that is reallyuncommon you’re probably not going toneed to do a tourniquet nowinternationally where we have neurotoxic snakes like cobras crates you canloosely put them on even rotate them tostop or impede lymphatic drainage thatspreads the neurotoxinbut Australians people from India Africathey’re very good at that leave it tothem in the US I’d shy away fromtourniquets avoid it and if you do putit on put it on loosely so when we saytourniquet we’re not talking about thetourniquet that most people imaginewhich is in arterial tourniquet correctcorrect so it’s more of a superficialtourniquet and in the wilderness it’sprobably going to be like a rag abandanna something like thatmaybe the tubing from your Camelback orwater receptacle would be a goodtourniquet but you’re not going to needto use those and in theory they say ifit’s too tight when you release ityou’ll get this bolus or injection ofvenomnot true but probably what you’re goingto do is cause more limb arm legconstriction and bad healing and thatyou don’t want to do I know that inAustralia people are using ace wrapsjust for gentle lymphatic compressionwhat’s the deal with with kostikcompressas in something like an ace wrap I thinkthat’s fine as long as it’s not againtoo tight to taunt there’s nothing wrongwith that particularly if you’re out ina bit of ways from your closest ERclinic hospital that’s going to be ableto see you I don’t see a problem withthat and certainly if there’s any othertrauma bleeding that can kind of helpwith that and it gives the patient afeeling that you’re doing something andthe people that are around the patientthey may feel like they’re doingsomething but again calm oral fluidscall 9-1-1 calmly drive them to theclosest ER is the best thing you can dothere are some commercial devices one inparticular is the Sawyer extractor rightwhat’s your feeling about the extractorwell there are extractors the one thatis most common is Sawyer it still talkedabout even in Boy Scout manuals and theidea is as soon as the snake strikesyou’re going to take a little suctiondevice kind of cause a hickey and pullback on a syringe and pull out some ofthe venom and in original studies theythought we may get out maybe a quarterto a third of the venom and it may helpbut what we’re finding now particularlywith good animal studies that it doesn’thelp in fact it may cause a little moredamage in the local area I know theSawyer people they’re outstanding folksI wouldn’t recommend it however a plugfor Sawyer they do a lot with waterpurification internationally and I thinkthey’re a fabulous product with theirwater treatment devices so I don’t wantto diss the Sawyer family but thesuction devices for the most part eventhough there’s still advertised stilland wilderness kits still in emergencykits are probably not going to help isit hard to explain the Hickey when youget home it is particularly if you werestruck on the neck by the snake Tim Iknow that you work at a big center whereyou see everything and I know part ofyour practice includes treating exoticsnake bite right what you’re feelingabout people having exotic snakes aspets I’m against it I think it’s amachismo thing i understand why people want it leave them beparticularly exotic snakes to get themin they have to be flown in or shippedin internationally you’re taking themout of their habitat it’s the wrongthing to do and then you’re not beingvery humane putting them in a confinedarea you’re only going to get intotrouble and when people get bit byexotic snakes in the US no one knowsreally how to treat them and other thanzoos you’re not going to have the properanti-venom it’s very dangerous it’s thewrong thing to do don’t do it