General Survival 


looks like the water is coming to a boilthe box words looking good it’s verybright dude that is awesome that Lanternactually works really well we juststarted hearing this like music playinglike someone’s like music Jake thedaddy-longlegs inside Danny long wayhey what’s going on guys Papa Jake hereand actually you guys know that this hasbeen the hardest the most extreme andthe biggest box for video we have everdone we don’t even want to stop herethat’s why we have a massive like goalof over 200,000 likes if we get 200,000likes guys we…

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General Survival Tools 

$100 Walmart Survival Kit! Ultralight Bugout Bag for 7 Day Survival Challenge

We are here at Walmart, I’ve got $100 for my$100 Survival Kit Walmart Challenge, where I’ve got to build a Survival KitThat will last me at least a week, Let’s Get Started!Alright Guys, so we have our Survival KitNo It’s time for us to go checkout. So we are back from our Shopping Trip that we took yesterday. Where we picked upour $100 Survival Kit and Like I said, we are going to have to spend7 Days in the Wilderness with this Bad BoyBut before we kick that off, let’s…

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General Survival 

Laundry Day At The River !!! / Day 6 Of 30 Day Survival Challenge Texas

– Washin’ my clothesand myself in the river!I’m Zachary Fowler, and that’s Chris Thornand this is the 30 daysurvival challenge, Texas!There’s only one rule. If you wanna eat, yagotta catch and cook it!Yeah! Good morning!It is so hot and muggy right now!Well, for a Mainer now,a native Texan is probablylike whoa, it’s cool out,I need a sweater!But I am like sticky and steamy,and it’s my birthday! 39 years old today!Day six, 30 day survival challenge!Yee-haw! There’s my clothes fromyesterday, what a mess!I used that to carry the fishand my clothes…

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Pemmican – The Ultimate Survival Food

This is pemmican. It’s food from the 18th and 19th centuries,originally made by indigenous peoples in NorthAmerica and then used by voyagers, frontiersmen,and explorers alike. It is a highly condensed nutritious form offood. It’s in fact, the ultimate survival food. Over the next few episodes, we’re goingto talk about exactly what pemmican is, howit was made historically, how you can makeit in your modern kitchen and also how wecan cook with it, whether it’s at home,at an historical event or in your next survival outing. I want to thank you…

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What Is The Best Survival Food With Long Shelf Life?

Top 10 Best Survival Foods To Buy At Grocery Store Whether there is a big storm forecastedor there is nothing but sunny days ahead, being prepared is always important. This is because disasters can strikewhen we least expect them to. This is why it is wise for you to stockpilesurvival food for any situation. Shopping for survival food is very differentfrom your everyday shopping. Instead of looking for what looks and tastes good,what you will be looking for is calories, shelf-life, nutrition,and convenience. That being said, let’s have a look…

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General Survival 

Into The Wild Day 1 Of 30 Day Survival Challenge Texas

– I’m Zachary Fowler,and that’s Chris Thorn. And, this is the 30 daysurvival challenge, Texas. There’s only one rule, if you wanna eat,you gotta catch and cook it. I know, how about snakeskin purses. – Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. – You want snakeskin purse too?- Yeah. – All right. Let’s get my bags. A giant hug. – Yeah. – My girls. See ’em in a month and a half. Or month and a week, I guess. It, technically, all together. 49. Is that, that’s the limit, 50, right?- 50 yeah.…

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10 Survival Gadgets put to the Test – part 2

What’s up everybody welcome back to my laboratoryWhere safety is number one priority and today we’re going to put to the testSurvival gadgets, let’s see what I got today. By the way. I got new cameraHopefully you enjoy this because last two of the cameras. I broke one fell in the riverSecond one fell in crushed, so I need a new tripod actually I need any new cameraAnyways, the other ones pretty old and banged up. Hey Don’t bite me. for the first gadget. I got here survival ponchoLet’s open…

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welcome to TTI obviously you know thisguy he’s Bear Grylls from a popular TVshow man vs. wild he’s famous for hisweirdest and unacceptable techniques forsurvival and some of the harshestenvironments but today we’re going toexplore top 10 best gadgets that willhelp you survive so be ready for somereal-life adventures let’s begin numberone sky saver maybe you have seenburning skyscrapers in the movies peopleare trapped in those burning buildingsand they wait for Heroes to rescuethemselves fortunately those scenesbecame days of the past and now we havesky saver a revolutionary invention thathelps…

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General Survival 

14 Simple Tricks to Survive Any Extreme Situation

No matter who you are, deep inside we allonce wanted to be adventurers. C’mon, admit it!Yet the world is a dangerous place, and theywon’t teach you in school how to survive inextreme situations. Well today, you finally have this list ofsurvival tips and nothing can stop you. 1) How to not get struck by lightning?Avoid open fields, make sure there’s somethingtaller than you around. Like your big tall friend there – oops,just kidding. Trees, buildings, and utility poles will actas lightning rods for you, so never standclose to them. Also,…

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