Food General Survival 

How to effectively trap wild boars | Life Wild

in search of more food in the junggle will have tubers under legumesthis root is high in starch and water need more food sources this area is near the water sourcewild animal printsmake a trap in the path of animals to drink waterdig a deep holecover the hole with a tree branchcover the crater when the animal passes by tomorrowthe leaves have been rapositionedan animal has been trappeda wild boarhow to trap rudimentary animals effectively

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General Survival Tools 

How to Make Stone Tools in a Survival Situation | Basic Instincts | WIRED

– And right there in lessthan a second, I have createda tool that allows me to overcome allof my physical limitations. My name is Bill Schindler. I’m an experimental archaeologistand primitive technologistand a professor ofarcheology and anthropologyat Washington College. If you’re in the wildernessand you have nothing,the most important thing that you need isa sharp, durable edge. Humans are one of the weakestspecies on the planet. Our nails are almost useless. Our teeth are almost useless. We’re not that strong. We can’t run very fast. We can’t dig into the…

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General Survival Tools 

Primitive Technology: Stone Axe (celt)

Making a stone axe from scratchSelecting a piece of basalt from the creek bedBreaking smaller pieces off the main stoneA large piece flaked offShaping the cutting edge using a pecking techniqueWetting a grind stone and grinding the axe head into shapeFiner grade of grind stoneGrinding the very edge with a progressively finer grades of stoneCharcoal is used last for final finishMaking a stone chisel from mudstoneGrinding chisel edgeCutting tree with mallet and chiselCarving mortise to haft stone headA hot coal is used to burn out the mortise, fire hardening it…

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General Survival Tools 

Primitive Technology: Bow and Arrow

Northern Olive Cutting wood with stone hatchet from an earlier videoSplitting log with a stone chiselNotice that the wood twistsSplitting off wood from one side of one endTurn bow around and remove wood from the opposite side at the other endNow the wood is straightTapering the width of the bow to the tipsTappering the depth of the bow to the tipsNarrowing the handle width slightly. The depth of the handle is left alone it is to keep it stiff. String notches. Finished staveUnknown tree with fibrous barkStripping barkThis type of…

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General Survival Tools 

Making a QUICK Primitive Bow and Arrow for Survival with only a knife

oak leaveswhite oak tree 3-4 finger widthselecting best way to split for 2 stavesuse a wood baton to split with knifeshaping side taper wide to narrowshaping thicknesschecking limb flexfine shavings nowshaping handletesting limbs for equal power and bendcutting grooves for stringcutting rawhide stripstwisting up soaked strips into bowstringhanging to dry and stretchcutting arrow shaftsremoving bark and high spotsheat straighteningcarving v notch for stringfire hardened pointshaping featherssinew bindingstep through method to string bowscraping a stiff spot

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General Survival Tools 

How to Make the Most Unique Primitive Bow Step by Step – bamboo sinew composite bow

remove broken limbgiant timber bambooshape new limb with raspremoving waxy layer on back of limbgrooving back of limbglue parts on new limbshape griptwisting sinew apartpreparing in bundlesmixing gluesoaking sinew off broken limb to reusewarming glue to correct consistencycombing sinew into flat sheetsadding water to keep moistapply glue to all partsboth sidesset sinew sheet in placesmooth down with wet fingerswrap handle and siyahsapply more gluereverse string and let cureremoving excess sinew and shaping of limbsflat even thicknesssandpaper to bring into tillerchecking power balance – knee tilleringconstantly checking thicknessremoving high spotsmaintaining side…

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Food General Survival 

How To Fish for Bream

Today I’m here on Lake Moultrie. I’m going to learn a little bit about bream fishing from freshwater fisheries biologist Chad Holbrook. So we’ve got two different types of live bait that we’re going to try with bream today. And how are we going to be fishing this live bait? We’re gonna start out fishing, both of us have worms and our rig is really simple we’ve just got a couple pieces of split shot and a hook ,And we’re just going to be fishing straight up and down because…

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