10 Survival Gadgets put to the Test – part 2
What’s up everybody welcome back to my laboratoryWhere safety is number one priority and today we’re going to put to the testSurvival gadgets, let’s see what I got today. By the way. I got...
Survival techniques and tools
What’s up everybody welcome back to my laboratoryWhere safety is number one priority and today we’re going to put to the testSurvival gadgets, let’s see what I got today. By the way. I got...
I’m HM1 Richard O’Dell, search-and-rescue medical technician at Naval Survival Training Institute Pensacola. And this is Petty Officer Trejo. Trejo is performing drown proof which he’s going to lead into the floatation of his...
hey a friend of mine John Jane l0 hejust did a video and the subject wasliving and extreme cold and surviving init and how to you know what to wear andkeep her house warm...
So, you find yourself stranded on an islandin the South Pacific or maybe you’re out inthe woods in Alaska. You don’t know where you’re at you don’t knowhow long you’re going to be here,...
In this survival scenario:Deep into backcountry. . . Freezing temperaturesAt least 20 kilometers away from civilizationwith just a few hours of daylight left. Two day hikers cross a beaver dam when disaster strikes. ....
You know, amazing stories about people who’vesurvived a plane crash are also extremelyrare. But what if I tell you that one man not onlystayed alive after his plane dropped intothe ocean, but also managed...
Sing it with me now…“Duuun-Dun. Duuun-Dun…”Do I still need to tell you what I’ll betalking about today?Yup. SHARKS. They’re the reason you couldn’t get meinto any body of water larger than a bathtubuntil I...
00:06MAN: This is the biggest gator we have evercaught. 00:08COMM: Most people wouldn’t voluntarily getthis close to an alligator but this is JasonMcDonalds view every weekend and whether heis catching them by hand or...
– For years, Hollywood movieshave shown humans at war with alligators. And their crocodilian cousins. Either they’re attackingus, or we’re attacking them. – You’re luggage. – Gimme the ball alligator. – Alligatorsdon’t often attack...
– Alright guys, todaywe are in Darwin, Australiagetting ready to visit Crocosaurus Cove. Crocosaurus Cove is actually a placeI’ve been following onInstagram for a number of years,I’ve always wanted to come hereto get into...
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