
How to Forage Free Food in Your Own Backyard!

Hey everybody! Rob Greenfield here and today I am going to teach you how to forage in your own backyard. Or if you don’t have a backyard, your neighbour’s backyard. If they don’t have a backyard, somebody’s backyard. I’m going to introduce you to plants that are growing freely and abundantly all around us. A lot of us think that our food has to come from the grocery store and that we have to buy it. But the truth is, there are thousands of species of foods that are both…

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General Survival 

If You See a Tsunami, Never Do Certain Things!

A tsunami is a string of immense waves that appear after earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, underwater landslides, and even asteroid impacts. The largest mega-tsunami wave ever recorded was documented on July 9, 1958, in Lituya Bay, in Alaska. The height of the wave reached a stunning 1,720 ft. This situation is no joke, and as soon as you find out that a tsunami is coming, you must act immediately to save your life. Here’s what you need to do right away. If you’re on dry land: – No matter whether you…

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General Survival 

How to Survive a Tsunami, According to Science

You’re on a beach. Not a worry in the world. The sun bronzing your skin, sand trickling between your toes, the sound of waves… wait, what? Better act quickly; in a matter of minutes, you may be underwater. Here’s how to survive a tsunami, Tsunamis are triggered by intense underwater activity, usually an earthquake, or an underwater volcanic eruption. These events displace huge volumes of water, pushing it up from the ocean’s floor to its surface. But when gravity pulls it back down, all this built up energy is released…

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11 Easy Edible Plants for Beginner Foragers- Eating Wild Food

For most of us, our food comes from the supermarket and beyond that we don’t know much about it or the far-off lands that it comes from. Today I am here to help you realize that food is growing freely and abdundantly all around you, you just have to open your eyes and look at the land in a different way. To do that I am going to share 11 easy plants to begin foraging. [music playing] There are 3 main guidelines with the plants that I am going to…

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Preserve Food from the Garden- Top 3 Tools to Preserve the Harvest

good morningthis morning i thought i’d do somethinga little different than my usual in thegarden videoand that is because i’ve actually spentthe majority of this week in the housetrying to preserve as much of theharvest as possible before the frostcomesand i suspect that many of you who aregardeningare preserving a lot of your own food aswell so today i thought i’d share withyou my topthree tools for preserving the harvesti’m going to finish picking these beansfor canning and then let’s head into thehouseso my top three preservation tools in noparticular…

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How to Dehydrate and Preserve Organic Fruit

Hi, I’m Tricia, a California organic gardener. Harvest time is happening!Today I’m going to dehydrate some of my fruits and vegetablesso that I can enjoy them in the upcoming winter months. Many fruits and vegetables dehydrate well. You can use your fruit to create allnatural yummy fruit snacks. Dehydrated garden vegetables areperfect homegrown soup ingredients. Be sure and choose high quality fruit at the peak of ripeness,avoiding dehydrating over-ripe, or under-ripe or damaged fruit or vegetables. If you don’t put good produce in the dehydrator,you’re not going to get good…

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How to Preserve Food at Home Safely

Hello. I’m Kathy Riggs, UtahState University Extensionprofessor for familyand consumer sciences. The question I will answertoday is regarding home foodpreservation safety. After all, home foodpreservation safetyis priority number one. Have you ever asked yourselfthe question, how can Ibe sure the foods Ihave preserved at homeand placed on my storage shelvesare safe for my family to eat?Looking for visible evidenceof spoilage such as mold,a lack of a seal, perhaps thefood is slimy to the touch,or there’s an off color–these are all agreat place to start. However, before you prepareyour next batch…

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General Survival 

Who Will Survive The 6th Mass Extinction?

It’s no secret that our success as a specieshas been pretty bad for a lot of other species on earth. In fact, some scientists believe we are currently in the midst of Earth’s6th mass extinction event, caused entirely by us. Us, taking up more land that used to be wild habitat, using up more fresh water, and belching out greenhouse gases that are changing the climate. So, for many species, we’re just terrible news, but there are exceptions. Some species even seem to thrive in the biggest most densely populated…

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Are food preservatives bad for you? – Eleanor Nelsen

Food doesn’t last. In days, sometimes hours,bread goes moldy,apple slices turn brown,and bacteria multiply in mayonnaise. But you can find all of these foodsout on the shelf at the grocery store,hopefully unspoiled,thanks to preservatives. But what exactly are preservatives?How do they help keep food edibleand are they safe?There are two major factors that causefood to go bad:microbes and oxidation. Microbes like bacteria and fungiinvade foodand feed off its nutrients. Some of these can cause diseases,like listeria and botulism. Others just turn edibles into a smelly,slimy, moldy mess. Meanwhile, oxidation is…

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General Survival 

There’s A Dinosaur That Survived Mass Extinction!

Step aside, tyrannasaurus. There’s a new dinosaurin town and it goes by the name of Leikupallaticauda. Not very catchy. Hey guys, Tara here for Dnews – and if youlike dinosaurs, then you’re gonna love thisstory. A new fossil uncovered in Patagonia has providedthe first evidence that certain dinosaurssurvived the great extinction, and existedmillions of years after they were thoughtto have died off. The diplodocid sauropod is a family of long-necked,whip-tailed dinosaurs – made famous by thisscene from the second Jurassic Park movie. They are some of the longest creatures toever…

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