How To Make A Rope Making Machine | Incredible Survival Hack
Back when I was a kid.
I was in boy scouts and my dad wasactually, the scout leader and went through a phasewhere he was trying to teach us all the different knots
you could tie with rope. But he wanted to take it one step further,and actually make the rope itself. So he used this little guide book to put
together a little makeshift rope making machine. And we spent hours winding sisal like thisand turning it into long strands of rope. Now Eventually, we made so much ropewe built a horse corral and caught two
wild horses. But that’s a different story for another day. The problem with our rope making machine is
it generally took about 4-5 different peopleto operate it. So the purpose of this project today;Is to see if we can make a simple machine. That will allow you to make a rope
all by yourself. Now I made a quick trip down to my local
Home Depotand in the hardware aisle, I found almost
all of the materials were gonna need forthis project today. I picked up three 1/4 inch by 5 inch Eye Bolts
that come with a hex nut already on them. I got a couple different sizes of large
Fender Washers. I got some Cut Washers, some Hex Nuts,
and I also picked up somePlastic Castor Wheels as well. These are the kind of wheels you would
put on the bottom of a cabinet or a workbenchyou would have out in the garage. But we’re just using them for the wheel. We’re gonna cut the rest of it off. I stopped at the lumber aisleand I got a 1 x 6 x 6 piece of common board, as well
as this 2 x 2. But these things are a bit too big to
work with as is,so lets get busy and
cut them to size. So guys our wood is cut,
and here’s what we ended up with. I took this common board and cut it to lengths
of 7 1/2 inchesI took the first piece and doubled
it over the second oneand cut them together so that
they’re exactly the same width. Then I took a piece of our 2×2 and cut it 8 1/2 inches long. the board you can see it overlaps aboutthree inches on either side, and thelast piece of two by two is the exactsame width as the common board itself. So ifwe put all the pieces together it shouldlook something like this. So update guys, our wood is cut and it’s looking good, sothe next step now is to line up ourhardware and drill some holes. So the ideahere is to take your largest fenderwashers and position them on the boardforming a triangle. You want to do it insuch a way so when you add your 2x2to the top, as well as the bottomit’s going to leave similar spacing atthe top in the bottom. I also use thewidth of my bolts as a spacer to creategaps between the washers and ensure thatthey’re symmetrically placed. I think thisis the best way to eyeball this thingtogether without getting super technicalon the measurement. And that’s lookingpretty good so let’s mark the centers. Not bad. I think we got a set. Once thecenters are marked, it’s time to drill some holes. Now since we have a 1/4 inch bolt,it makes sense to use a 1/4 inchdrill bit to drill some holes in thiswood. We want it to be just as tight andsnug as it can be. If we’re going to drillthese holes, we can put the two boardstogether and drill the holes at theexact same time, that way they’ll line upperfectly. And to make sure I get themabsolutely perfect I’m just going to usea couple clamps to hold them in place. Alright let’s drill some holes. Alright sweet, so our three holes aredrilled, we can go ahead and undo theseclamps, and theoretically these thingsshould be lined up perfectly,symmetrically. And just for reference I’mgoing to mark a little arrow on here;in case they ever get disconnected andturned around. Putting an X on them likethat, they should all line up perfectly. Alright, we have finished up prettymuch everything that we need to do withthe wood for now. So let’s move on to thenext important step: making the metalspinning hooks the spinning hooks aregoing to be made out of these eyebolts. If we put them in a bench vise and tugon them slightly we can get the eye partto open up, and form a hook that we couldput a string into later on. We also needto develop a way that when we put oneinto the chuck of our drill bit and pullthe trigger, it spins all three hookssimultaneously. And here’s what I’ve gotin mind: what if we took three plasticwheels and use them as pulleys andconnect them all together with a band,so that when we spun one of them, all threeof them would spin together. Let me graba hacksaw and show you what I’ve got inmind. Grab it right there on that axle. . . Freedom!Ok so cool guys here’s we got:I used my hacksaw to cut through theselittle pins in the caster wheels andreleased all three of these littleplastic wheels. If you take one of yourlargest fender washers and push itagainst the wheel, you’re going to findit overhangs about a quarter of an inch. That’s actually really important andyou’ll see why in just a second. Alright, this is where it starts getting excitingguys, because all of our pieces are cut,all of our pieces ready, all we have todo now is put them together. Start by removing all of the hex nuts off of yourbolts so you just have the naked bolt byitself. You’re going to take the end ofthe bolt and push it through one of theholes, all the way through, and then takeone of your small cut washers, and bumpthat up from the inside. With the cutwasher in place, we want to take our hexnut and screw that on, and thread thatall the way down and until it’s as far asit can go. Then take a wrench and crankit a little bit more. Beautiful, and justlike that we’ve got a bolt that’s lockedin place but can spin freely as well. And we’re going to do that three more timesThere we go our bolts are in there andsecured, we can go ahead and take anothercut washer now and drop it on top ofeach one of those bolts, and then it’stime to add our little plastic wheels. There’s only one problem though, theselittle holes in the middle are a littlebit too small to fit over the bolts. So we’re going to need to drill them outwith a 1/4 inch bit first. Beauteous. Alright so the holes on ourwheels are cut, what we have to do isjust build up the base a little bit sothat there’s a ridge line on either sideof these wheels, because when we put ourband on, we don’t want it to slip off. And to do that I’m using some of thesefender washers as retaining walls. Now, theproblem is these fender washers have avery large hole in the middle, so we needto build them up with a smaller fenderwasher first. Now these fender washersare the only ones I could find the Home Depot,it would be more ideal if youcould find one with a 1/4 inch holein the center. However, using what we’vegot, we can use this wider fender washerwith the 1/4 inch hole, place it ontop of the cut washer, and then take thelarger fender washer and place it ontop. Beautiful. And once our wheel’s on,we’re going to do the same thing inreverse large fender washer first,slightly smaller fender washer next,followed by our cut washer and a nut. Now as we start to tighten the nut, it’simportant to make sure all our fenderwashers are exactly in place. And once itlooks like everything’s lined up inplace, go ahead and take a couple ofwrenches and crank that sucker tight,because we want that wheel to be pinchedso tight that it will not come undone. Beautiful. Alright one down two to go. Oh yeah, there we go guys. We got our threespinners set, and all functioning fine. Alright update guys the hard part isover. I’ve got all three of our spinnersin place with our hook securely firmedon the other side and I went ahead andtested all of them and make sure theyall spin freely and all of them do. Sohere’s the challenge: how do we make itso that when we spin one, the other twospin at the same time? There’s a littlesolution I’ve come up with. It’s eveneasier than you think. And this is it: anold used bicycle tire tube. Now if youdon’t have one of these lying around,they’re really easy to find: just go downto any bike store. They throw these awayall the time. Used tire tubes: they have nouse for. So they’ll probably give you asmany as you want. Take your tire tube, itdoesn’t really matter where and just goahead and cut it right in half. That’sgoing to give you two nice, clean cuts justlike this. Then take the end of the tubeand line it up between the two washersand cut off a piece that’s roughly aboutthe same distance as that gap, maybe alittle bigger. Take that piece of innertube and flip it so that it’s inside out, sothat the inside is now pointed outside, andthe thick rubbery stuff is on the inside. Now we’re going to stretch this a fewtimes to make a little bit bigger, andthen we’re going to loop it over all ofour pulleys at once. This creates amakeshift rubber belt that has quite abit of tension, but you can see how it’spulling everything into the center. That’s where our second board comes intoplay. Because the holes were cut exactlythe same, we should be able to push thebolts in place, and that’ll lineeverything up symmetrically. And now whenwe turn one bolt, you can see the beltdrives the other two pulleys, and theyall spin together. Sweet! So this righthere is the essence of our rope makingmachine and all that’s left to do is takeour 2x2s and screw one block intothe top, and the longer block into thebottom, so it has a couple of overhangingpieces that allow us to clamp this unit tothe table. Oh this thing is looking good!Yeah! So guys, check this out. This iswhat we have created. A simple ropemaking machine made with very cheapmaterials from local hardware store. What’s really cool about it is it hasthese little flanges on the side so youcan take a clamp and clamp it straightto your table. And believe me, that’sgoing to come in really handy as westart making rope in future videos. Whenit comes time to operate our machine, allwe have to do is take something like acordless power drill, latch onto one ofthe bolts from the back and pull thetrigger. How cool is that guys? A simple littlerope-making machine we just built hereat home, but the problem is, it’s stillgoing to take three to five people tohelp make the rope. In the next video, I’mgoing to show you how to rig up the restof the system to automate the process, sowith the press of the trigger, one personcan make a strand of rope, all bythemselves. So there you have it guys. With just a little bit of effort andsome low cost materials from thehardware store, we just rigged ourselvesup a pretty cool little rope makingmachine. And I can’t wait to show you ina future video exactly what it will do. Thanks for joining me for this project,I’ll be looking for you the next one. Beautiful! Oh you got to bekidding me! When all your work goes down the drain.