
5 Weird Ways To Start A Fire

– Today we make fire. – Let’s talk about that. ♪ ♪- Good Mythical Morning!– All right, Mythical Beasts, we need youto keep tweet-voting so that we can winshow of the year at the Streamys!- We can do this!– Yeah!All you gotta do is to tweet “I’m voting for #GoodMythicalMorning for show of the- year at the #Streamys. “– Yes. – A hundred times. You can do it a – hundred times a day!Okay, thanks for that. Now, one of thethings that has separated us from therest of the animal…

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How To Make a Fire By Rubbing Sticks

This might be a situation you never thoughtcould happen, but here you are cast away ona deserted island with nothing but the clotheson your back. In this project we’ll be makinga survival fire by rubbing sticks together,because if you can do that, you’ll have amuch better chance of being found alive. Looking around the island, the first thingyou notice are plenty of coconut trees andat the base are some old coconut husks. Thosemight come in handy. There’s also plenty ofwood lying around, so you just need to finda dry piece…

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Primitive Technology: Firesticks

With my hut completed, next I needed fireFor fire sticks I used a fast growing softwood The spindle and baseboard came from the same branchScrapping bark off with a stone flakeThe sticks were left to dry on a sunny rock to dry outCandle nut leaves were used for tinderDrilling holes in the baseboard with a stone bladeCarving a notch from the hole to let the hot wood powder to fall outThe base board is placed on the tinder with a stick separating them so more air can get to the…

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How to Start a Fire in a Survival Situation | Basic Instincts | WIRED

– Fire is one of the most importantand powerful of theprimitive technologies. It unlocked all sorts of potentialsfor us on every level. My name is Bill Schindler. I’m a professor ofarchaeology and anthropologyat Washington College anda primitive technologistand experimental archaeologist. Fire probably started as some sortof a natural phenomenon,like a lightning strike. A forest fire would havedrawn our attention,we would have seen it and probablystarted to realize thebenefits of fire over time. We could probably smell the cooked meatof the animals that weretrapped in that fireand not only died, but…

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Michael Pritchard: How to make filthy water drinkable

Good morning everybody. I’d like to talk about a couple of things today. The first thing is water. Now I see you’ve all been enjoying the waterthat’s been provided for you here at the conference,over the past couple of days. And I’m sure you’ll feel that it’s from a safe source. But what if it wasn’t?What if it was from a source like this?Then statistics would actually saythat half of you would now be sufferingwith diarrhea. I talked a lot in the past about statistics,and the provision of safe drinking…

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How to Purify Water part 1 | Survival Training | Tactical Rifleman

all right so weather like this everybodyfocuses on the basics which they shouldfood water shelter fire when snow on theground coming down everybody’s worriedabout getting shelter getting that firestarted before the before the Sun GoesDown and that’s good but the one thingthat we often overlook is dehydrationyou have to drink water I have seen guysgo down from dehydration doingcross-country skiing you have to stillgather properly and properly treat waterright so you always want to find thecleanest source of water that you canfind in this case I’ve got a niceflowing river…

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Drinking Nasty Swamp Water (to save the world)

About a year ago, I read about this powderYou could add to super muddy water like this, and then you stir it up and five minutes laterthe mud has separated from the pure clean drinkable water. And as a man of scienceI see this and it feels like nothing short of magic. I only make 12 videos a yearso I am really picky about what topics I will cover and even though I usually just focus on using science and engineering to maketo make totally ridiculous things At least once…

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