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How To Navigate Using the Stars

Without clouds, about 6,000 stars are visible in the night sky, from anywhere on Earth. This number is lower in areas of heavy light pollution, but for the most of human history, this is what we had to look up to. In earlier times, there were many ideas as to what the stars were. The Greeks saw constellations, who were sentient, divine beings, awarded with the place among the stars, for some great deed done long ago. To the Paiute tribe, who lived in the Great Basin of North America,…

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General Survival 

What If You’re Underwater During a Tsunami? | Unveiled

What Happens Underwater During a Tidal Wave? Earth’s oceans stretch out as far as the eye can see, blue and endless in every direction. But, as mysterious as those infinite horizons are, at 0.3 billion cubic miles in volume, there’s far more going on beneath the water’s surface. It’s even speculated that we know less about what lurks in the furthest depths of our own oceans than we do about the furthest reaches of outer space… But, one thing we do know, is that Earth’s seas have the potential to…

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General Survival 

Wild Edibles with Sergei Boutenko | Learn How to Forage for 25 Tasty Plants

(faintly speaking) – Get closer, ’cause we’re outdoors. I have to project a lot, and we’re gonna become fast friends today. Thank you so much for coming first of all. My name is Sergei. I’ve been studying plants for a very long time. And that’s kinda what makes me credible to talk about this. I’m not a botanist. I don’t claim to be. I’ve just been doing it a really long time. My family threw me into this is the short version of the story. When I was just 13…

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How to forage for and make drinks from wild plants, with Bompas & Parr

Hi, I’m Danny, I’m the head chef Bompas & Parr Today we’re gonna be taking a walk about, green spaces and parks, flooding some hedgerow berries and foraged plants to bring home and make some incredible drinks. Ok, so lets head out and do a bit of foraging, and when we get back, we’re going to use some basic equipment that you will have in your kitchen. And some simple ingredients from your pantry, to make some cordials and brew some teas, from whatever we can find. We here at…

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General Survival 

What If A Mega-Tsunami Hit The United States?

In six hours, you, your government, and 124 million other people across 14 states will be tested by the greatest disaster to ever hit the U.S. East Coast. A great wave, 1000 meters (3280 ft.) tall, moving towards you at 1000 km/h (621 mph), and that’s only the beginning. This is ‘What If,’ and here’s what would happen if a megatsunami hit the U.S. East Coast. Unlike most tsunamis that are triggered by tectonic activity, megatsunamis are caused by sudden impact. A huge chunk of debris, possibly a meteor, smashes…

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How to Forage Free Food in Your Own Backyard!

Hey everybody! Rob Greenfield here and today I am going to teach you how to forage in your own backyard. Or if you don’t have a backyard, your neighbour’s backyard. If they don’t have a backyard, somebody’s backyard. I’m going to introduce you to plants that are growing freely and abundantly all around us. A lot of us think that our food has to come from the grocery store and that we have to buy it. But the truth is, there are thousands of species of foods that are both…

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General Survival 

If You See a Tsunami, Never Do Certain Things!

A tsunami is a string of immense waves that appear after earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, underwater landslides, and even asteroid impacts. The largest mega-tsunami wave ever recorded was documented on July 9, 1958, in Lituya Bay, in Alaska. The height of the wave reached a stunning 1,720 ft. This situation is no joke, and as soon as you find out that a tsunami is coming, you must act immediately to save your life. Here’s what you need to do right away. If you’re on dry land: – No matter whether you…

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General Survival 

How to Survive a Tsunami, According to Science

You’re on a beach. Not a worry in the world. The sun bronzing your skin, sand trickling between your toes, the sound of waves… wait, what? Better act quickly; in a matter of minutes, you may be underwater. Here’s how to survive a tsunami, Tsunamis are triggered by intense underwater activity, usually an earthquake, or an underwater volcanic eruption. These events displace huge volumes of water, pushing it up from the ocean’s floor to its surface. But when gravity pulls it back down, all this built up energy is released…

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11 Easy Edible Plants for Beginner Foragers- Eating Wild Food

For most of us, our food comes from the supermarket and beyond that we don’t know much about it or the far-off lands that it comes from. Today I am here to help you realize that food is growing freely and abdundantly all around you, you just have to open your eyes and look at the land in a different way. To do that I am going to share 11 easy plants to begin foraging. [music playing] There are 3 main guidelines with the plants that I am going to…

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