General Survival Navigation 

Map and Compass (Simplified)

Welcome to corporals corner today, we’re going to talk about basic land navigation using a map and compass so stick around Last time we talked about land navigation. We kept it simple and discussed the basics using a Suunto mc2 So I thought today why not continue that discussion and keep it simple – a quick review I’m going through a topographical map into that equation So here we have our basic Suunto MC to start here at the top we have our signal and sighting mirror It can be…

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General Survival 

How To Survive A Snake Bite

(rattlesnake rattles) [Narrator] Uh oh, you’ve just been bitten by a snake. So, what do you do now? [Indiana Jones] Snakes, why’d it have to be snakes? [Narrator] There are about 3,000 different species of snakes in the world, both venomous and non-venomous. While they can be deadly, most snakes are only likely to bite you in self defense. Frank Burbrink studies snakes at the American Museum of Natural History. [Burbrink] The most venomous snake in the world is the inland taipan from Australia. But it really doesn’t envenomate that…

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General Survival Nuclear 

How to Survive a Nuclear Apocalypse

Uh, that doesn’t sound good. You’ve survived catastrophic disasters in previous episodes like tsunamis, landslides, and hurricanes. But this time, the entire world is at stake. An all out nuclear war has erupted. Countries are launching attacks and others are retaliating. What should you do to get out of this world-ending scenario? Right now, nine countries are in possession of nuclear weapons. If any one of them launched even one of the almost 15,000 nuclear warheads in the world, it would cause a wave of chaos and destruction. A blast…

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General Survival 


– [Coyote] You ready? – [Cameraman] Oh, spider, huge spider! Right there right there, Oh, whoa. right there, right there. Is that a tarantula? – [Coyote] No no no no no. I think that’s a funnel web spider. – Okay, a bite from this is potentially lethal. I’m just gonna set that down and see if I can coax it. It’s in, it’s in there, it’s in there. (highly energetic music) Australia’s arguably the most dangerous continent in the world. I’m sure that as your imagination begins to run wild,…

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General Survival Nuclear 

How to Survive A Nuclear Fallout – EPIC HOW TO

Hey guys its episodes brought to you by Mafia 3 family is who you die for? Nuclear war it’s not just a thing in Fantasy worlds Like fallout 4 the 1980s the threat is real y’all and if you have any hope of surviving the Nuclear Winter, you’re gonna need to listen up Get ready. This is Epic How To Survive Nuclear fallout How likely is an all-out Nuclear war?According to a 2008 study by Stanford engineering? Professor Martin Hellman, each person on Planet Earth has a 10% probability of…

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General Survival 

How To Survive a Black Mamba Attack

You’re camping, and it’s dusk. As you gather firewood, one of the sticks moves. It’s not a stick. It’s a deadly a black mamba. The snake raises its head more than 1 m (4 ft) off the ground. It strikes like lightning, attacking you again and again, then slithers away. What could you do to survive? Here’s The Black Mamba, AKA Kobe Bryant, stood at the height of, wait. That’s the wrong black mamba. Found throughout eastern and southern regions of Africa, the black mamba snake is one of the…

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General Survival Nuclear 

How to survive a Nuclear Attack, According To Science

It’s happened. A nuclear explosion. If you weren’t killed in the initial blast, the fallout can finish the job. Whether it’s an act of war or terrorism, all that really matters in the moments after the blast, is that there are ways to save yourself and your loved ones. So, how is it possible to stay safe? Well, here’s how to survive a nuclear attack, The worst thing about a nuclear attack, is that there are multiple ways it can kill you. The explosion, the heat and the radiation can…

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General Survival Nuclear 

How To Survive The First Hour Of A Nuclear Blast / Fallout! DEBUNKED

“EMERGENCY ALERT: BALLISTIC MISSILE THREAT INBOUND TO HAWAII. SEEK IMMEDIATE SHELTER. THIS IS NOT A DRILL.” This message from the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency flooded the cell phones of locals in Hawaii on January 13th 2018. Those listening to the radio or watching TV were told: “If you are indoors, stay indoors. If you are outdoors, seek immediate shelter in a building. Remain indoors well away from windows. If you are driving, pull safely to the side of the road and seek shelter in a building or lay on the…

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General Survival 

How to Survive Snake Island

Snakes on your left. Snakes on your right. Giant cockroaches behind you. And in front of you, the open sea. It’s difficult to get to this island in the first place. But it’s almost impossible to get out alive. About 33 km (20 mi) off the coast of Brazil, near the state of Sao Paulo, there’s a place so dangerous that it’s uninhabited and closed to visitors or tours. Ilha da Queimada Grande, also known as Snake Island, is only 430,000 m2 (106 acres). But it is home to a…

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General Survival Navigation 

Navigate using the Stars

For centuries, travelers use the stars to guide them on their journey. How is it possible to know where you are just by looking up the sky? The sky is constantly in motion because we’re in motion. Every day we go spinning around the earth at 800 miles per hour like a giant roller coaster. Now you get the same relative motion if instead of the earth rotating, you have the sky rotating around the earth. This is what you’ll see if you track the night sky. The Earth’s axis…

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