There’s A Dinosaur That Survived Mass Extinction!
Step aside, tyrannasaurus. There’s a new dinosaurin town and it goes by the name of Leikupallaticauda. Not very catchy. Hey guys, Tara here for Dnews – and if youlike dinosaurs, then you’re gonna love thisstory. A new fossil uncovered in Patagonia has providedthe first evidence that certain dinosaurssurvived the great extinction, and existedmillions of years after they were thoughtto have died off. The diplodocid sauropod is a family of long-necked,whip-tailed dinosaurs – made famous by thisscene from the second Jurassic Park movie. They are some of the longest creatures toever roam the earth, and they were assumedto have gone extinct at the end of the Jurassicera – around 150 million years ago. Thanks to this new finding, however, researchersin Argentina now have the earliest recordof them in existence, dating back to the earlyCretaceous period – around 130 million yearsago. Even more interesting, it was found ina place they never expected: South America. Eight vertebrae were discovered in the rockyoutcrops of the “Bajada Colorada,” a Cretaceous-eraformation in western Argentina. This is thefirst time this family of dinosaurs has beenfound in any southern land mass, aside fromAfrica – which, according to researchers,means they must have evolved from other dinosaursbefore Africa and South America split apart. Until now, the species was thought to be anexclusively North American dinosaur. So thisnew evidence, researchers say, may help shedlight on how different dinosaurs migratedaround the globe in response to climate change. It’s kind of amazing how much we continueto discover about the world around us. AndI dunno about you guys, but dinosaurs areone of the most fascinating things in theworld to me. Hopefully you agree. And if you have any thoughtsabout this finding, feel free to leave themin the comments below – otherwise, thanksfor watching!