welcome to TTI obviously you know this
guy he’s Bear Grylls from a popular TVshow man vs. wild he’s famous for his
weirdest and unacceptable techniques forsurvival and some of the harshest
environments but today we’re going toexplore top 10 best gadgets that will
help you survive so be ready for somereal-life adventures let’s begin number
one sky saver maybe you have seenburning skyscrapers in the movies people
are trapped in those burning buildingsand they wait for Heroes to rescue
themselves fortunately those scenesbecame days of the past and now we have
sky saver a revolutionary invention thathelps you safely and quickly evacuate
from a high-rise building in case ofunfortunate events sky saver is an
excellent product that passed allrigorous safety standards sky saver is
primarily developed for high-riskbuildings where no other means of exit
are available this invention is a strongfire resistant cable that can handle
weight up to 120 kilograms withcontrolled descent mechanism the sky
savers automatic mechanical brakingsystem will help you survive going down
process is a lot smoother and safer foreveryone thanks to the sky saver now it
is possible to save so many human livesfrom high-rise building fires number twoyou tap backpack
everyone loves enjoying mother natureand hiking through the wilderness but in
some cases the situation may change intoa life-threatening event where you might
be encountered by a wild bear attack orother animals to survive in those
difficult conditions you need UDOTbackpack introduced by a company you DAP
industries if the bear wants to attackyou from behind then don’t worry quickly
lay down yourself on the ground thenpull down the safety strap cover to
expose the spray release ball once youare confident to that bear is in the
range of self-defense then quickly pullthe spray release ball to release the
spray it’s evident that strong pepperspray is very irritating to the eyes
which makes the bear blind for a fewhours and if you are lucky enough then
this spray backpack will provide you agolden opportunity to escape from some
of the most horrible attacks safelynumber three
recon watchprobably you know the Apple watch which
has some great life-saving features butI bet you don’t know this recon watch
this wristwatch was created by a fullteam of professionals led by a renowned
survival specialist and despite the factthat only technological device available
is a flashlight but this small gadgetincludes more than 10 different tools
vital for a complete and safe life inthe wild
under the dial there are two smallcompartments one placed on top of the
other holding inside a set ofindispensable objects in the upper
compartment there’s a small liquidcompass a unique rod to make fire using
a knife a small whistle and a smallmagnifying glass which can also be used
to make a fire in the lower compartmentthere is a signal mirror a 24 foot long
fishing line and small hooks for fishingin addition there’s a small LED light in
the watch which the strap of the clockcan be used as a multi-tool working as a
cutting edge of a blade a bottle openerand a can opener you can purchase the
survival watch for 375 dollars numberfoureastreamit is compatible with Apple devices as
well as Android devices the generatorresembles a thermos and weighs just half
a kilogram and it’s not too smallhaving a dimension such as a 9. 5 inches
long and 2. 5 inches wide the deviceconsists of a generator itself with a
turbine screw a convenient camping lampand a 6400 milliamp battery on rotation
under the running water it produces 2. 5to 7 watts of energy and this device
takes 4. 5 hours to get fully chargedthis device simultaneously can charge
multiple devices and it is capable ofcharging one laptop at a time unlike
conventional generator like a solarpanel this generator is independent of
weather change or climate change it canbe left in the stream during the night
and by the morning the battery will befully charged and it costs just $180
number five cat hook this is anelegantly designed compact titanium cap
took in the shape of a waterproofcapsule with three titanium arms inside
which can be twisted in the capsule as aresult you have a solid titanium hook
with three arms it weighs only 45 gramsand 2. 5 inches long when stored it’s
basically a light and compact metalcapsule and easy to carry despite its
small size this hook can support aweight of 350 kilograms if used with a
paracord rope you have an easy to carrytackle useful in all kinds of situations
you can purchase this device for a priceof $60 number six
auto xscape this multifunctionalinstrument is an essential tool for
people who drive four-wheelers as it cansave your life in an emergency situation
first of all xscape has a safety knifecable of cutting the seatbelts as well
as all kinds of straps and cable thesecond feature of this device is a
hammer with a tungsten tip to break theglass of your vehicle in case of an
accident in addition the instrument hasa built in lamp with three different
modes and an intermittent SOS emergencysignal and two stable modes with a
brightness of 135 and 50 lumens theprice of this device is $60 number-7 ms
five EDC no matter where you go thissmall set of instruments is ideal to
take anywhere the kit has a lot ofindispensable tools such as the USB
charging device a GPS tracker a waterfilter a knife a gas burner a fishing
tackle and many others thanks for thesevaluable instruments you can survive
even the most extreme conditions theprice of this compact multi-tool is $45
number 8 leather Minh Raptorthis excellent survival tool has been
praised by military doctors rescueworkers and firefighters these
multifunctional medical scissors aremade of stainless steel and are equipped
with a small ruler a special device tocut rings and a special hook to cut
safety belts and cables the handle ofthe knife has a carbide tip that allows
breaking the glasses of any automobilewhen closed the length of the device is
5 inchesit weighs 5. 8 pounds as well as the
price of these scissors is $70 number 9ready bags 72 emergency kit this
backpack has all the necessary things tosurvive for 72 hours in case of a
natural disaster or any other kind ofextreme or apocalyptic situation the
content was developed taking intoaccount the recommendations of doctors
and members of the special servicesmaking it the ideal gadget to survive
inside the backpack there is a razor aspecial tent a blanket suit a fire
starter a water filter a lamp a solarbattery a rope and many other things the
Creator recommended keeping such abackpack not only at home but also at
work and in the car the price of thisbackpack is $200 number 10
a tech city like all portable waterfilters etekcity filters 99. 99 percent
of the pathogenic microorganisms moldand bacteria in the water thanks to a
smart filter the device is very simpleto use you can drink directly from a
bottle as the water passes through thedevice it’s filtered immediately the
case that comes with the filter servesto carry water everywhere to clean the
filter you just have to wash it withclean water using the syringe included
with the filter the price of this gadgetis the 19 dollars thanks for watching
which one do you find the most usefulgadget for survival think carefully and
let me know in the comments if you’renew here then feel free to subscribe to
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clicking that Bell icon I’ll catch youguys in my next episode peace