
How to Start a Fire in Rain or Wet Conditions Part 1

[autovid_profit_transcript] Krik of Black Owl Outdoors shows you how to make fire in wet conditions. You only need a few pieces of gear, persistence and an elemental understanding of . A short how to video demonstrating starting a camp fire in rain, wet, or damp conditions. We also demonstrate different types of tinder that can be ignited with a . In this video I will show you how to improvise an umbrella using plants and how to make a fire when its raining using resin from fir. Hello guys this…

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Making Fire in the Rain

  I’m out in the Swedish woods and it’s raining a lot. Without a tarp I’m not making it easy for myself when my mission is to get a fire going. Using pine resin, birch bark and some not-so-dry twigs … well, anything can happen 🙂 I’m just a swedish woman trying to learn the art of bushcraft and survival… As a biology / geography teacher I go from theory to practice – and it isn’t always as easy as you might think 😉 If you like this video, I…

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How to Make A Fire In The Rain or Wet Conditions

[autovid_profit_transcript] How to Make A Fire In The Rain or Wet Conditions https:// Gather some kindling, dead wood that is about as wide as your finger or less. Pine will usually make a great fire starter, the sap/resin is flammable after it is heated. Use a sharp knife/hatchet to strip away as much bark and wet wood as possible. If you can use a hatchet to split larger pieces of wood into kindling, this will expose the drier inner layers. Start a small fire using the stripped kindling.…

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How To Make A Fire Using Sticks: Survival tips and tricks in the wilderness

[autovid_profit_transcript] How To Make A Fire Using Sticks : Survival tips and tricks in the wilderness. Cast away on a deserted island? Heres a survival technique for making a fire with the most basic of resources. How to make a fire rubbing 2 sticks together! Endcard Links: Fire by Water:. I made a cord drill and then upgraded it to a pump drill. A cord drill is basically a spindle with a fly wheel attached so it looks like a spinning top. the middle of a piece of cord is…

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Survival Tips: Fire without matches – cotton bud & lip balm

[autovid_profit_transcript] A spark applied to cotton wool, a cotton bud, a tampon/sanitary towel, or just a price of fluff found in your pocket, will often generate a flame – but that flame is short lived. If you also find a lip balm or chapstick (vaseline) in your pocket or bag too – then you have a way to turn a few seconds of flame into a longer and stronger flame. So if you are expanding your survival skills; discovering how to build fires in all conditions; how to start fires…

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Cold Weather Survival (2018) {Poncho Survival Shelter Overnight]

[autovid_profit_transcript] – Cold Weather Survival. Is It Possible To Make A Functional Super-Shelter From A Poncho And A Emergency Blanket? Let’s Find Out. How Can I Support Survival-Russia? Patreon: PayPal: My Favorite Brands and Online Shops Varusteleka: Silky Saws: Hybridlight: Russian Sites Siberian Boots and Skis: Russian Military Gear and Gorka: ►Facebook: -►Instagram: -►Twitter: -►MyBlog: -►Subscribe: The Survival Russia Channel is about “The Reality Of Survival”. I live on a Homestead in far away Russian wild nature. Here…

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